Staying Connected

Staying connected is a common theme that could be woven throughout all churches, businesses, families, and individuals.   As corporate settings were recently jolted into individualism with no goodbyes, groups found a way to reconfigure and they slowly emerged above the water’s surface and connected their floating life tubes together for the journey down the river.

Many groups and churches have found ways to connect, but how about you as an individual?  Have you remained connected to your life source, or are you floating down the river by yourself and reaching out for any branch to cling to as the current tries to swirl you away?

Our Heavenly Father is extending a branch out to you and wants to reel you in and connect you to the True Vine.  In John 15: 4-5  Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches, and as we abide in Him, we will bear fruit, and apart from Him, we can do nothing.

The branch is fully dependent on the vine for every ounce of its life; its food, water, and ability to bear fruit.  To receive, the branch doesn’t flail its arms in strife, but rather sits still, trusts and abides in confidence as it draws life from the vine.

Staying connected to the source of life is imperative in all seasons to grow and produce fruit.  If a branch is disconnected in the winter, it won’t produce fruit in the spring. Imagine a broken-off branch laying on the ground and thinking that one day it will be big and strong and produce fruit just like its parents did.  I don’t think so!

As you stay connected to the large groups in your life, be sure you are also connected to the Vine.  You will receive not only the life needed to sustain you, but you will also bear fruit to sustain others.

Janna Kent