What is KidMin in a Box?
KidMin in a Box is a foundational resource to help start, rebuild, or strengthen your kids ministry. Kids Pastors, leaders and volunteers will receive tangible resources, leader development, personalized coaching and a community to help support them.
It is a year long process that partners you with an Ohio Kidmin Coach to walk you through the contents of the box, answer questions, share experiences, and lessons they have learned along the way.
How it works:
Order through OKM via the form above.
Once you receive your box, email OKM with your name, email address, and phone number and we will connect you with a coach.
Meet with your OKM Coach regularly to walk through the steps of KidMin in a Box. We estimate that it will take about one year to go through the process of building/revitalizing your KidMin.
KidMin in a Box Price Comparison
Strong Enough to Last Book
Hydrate Power Pack
OKM T-Shirt
OKM Merch
32 GB Flash Drive
Printed Material
Valued Price
When you purchase KidMin in a Box, you are only paying $50 for EVERYTHING included in KMIB, including the year of coaching from an OKM Coach!
Order Now!
Fill out the order form below to receive your KidMin in a Box and get connected with one of our awesome KidMin Coaches!