BGMC Project - Ohio KidMin

BGMC Projects 2025

Here are our current projects:

World Serve

WorldServe projects are centered around providing clean water, hygiene kits, drip irrigation gardens, education,

basketball courts, and economic opportunities to alleviate suffering in Africa.

Summer Project 2025: Ethiopia Bishoftu Women’s Center

-Church -Health Center

-Playground -Cafeteria

-Women’s Home -Guest House

-Education Center -Green House

Ongoing Projects

Project Rescue

Project Rescue helps to provide school scholarships for girls to help break the cycle of modern day slavery in Southeast Asia.

Funds are also needed to build additional schools due to the success of this children’s education outreach.

Asia’s Little Ones (ALO)

Throughout Asia, ALO provides support to

children who have been abandoned and

neglected by providing hot meals,

schools, and orphanages.

Email for specific countries.

FREE International

Every year, thousands of children and youth fall victim to the silent epidemic that is human trafficking.

These individuals deserve a life of freedom and the chance to know God. BGMC is helping FREE International help restore survivors through search gear and therapy dogs.

Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a

driving passion to feed the world through

children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach,

and disaster response.

Disaster Relief Project Code: 36914

AG Foster Care Network

AG Foster Care Network’s goal is to see 20,000 children in the U.S. foster care system to be cared for by our Assemblies of God Families.

Royal Rangers International

Kids’ Outreaches - bows, arrows, and bow repair kit for LAC's regional Camporama

Guinea - Building/Construction

Children's church structures at approx. $3,500 each

How can I give?

Send a check to BGMC

BGMC offerings can be sent to the Ohio Ministry Network Resource Center at:

Ohio Ministry Network
Attn: BGMC
8405 Pulsar Pl STE 200
Columbus, OH 43240

If you would like your offering to go to a specific project listed, please let us know via email or phone of the amount and the project. The Kidmin office notifies the BGMC office of the funds and takes care of the transfer.