Listening During Uncharted Times

Can you imagine being on an ark with Noah and all of the animals for 365 days?  The smells, the sounds, the boredom.  Although we aren’t on an ark, we can glean a few things from the story of Noah as we are weathering the Covid-19 storm.

When Noah entered the ark, he left behind a land clamoring with violence and corruption.  After the waters receded and he stepped back onto land, he stepped into complete silence.  How do we exit the ark without stepping back into the distractions and busyness that we left behind?

During our nation’s “force quit” many were thrown involuntarily into an unsuspecting rest.  After struggling, humming and hawing, kicking and screaming we may have quieted down… and listened. 

Some people have mentioned experiencing a new rhythm in their lives. I wonder if this rhythm sounds similar to the rhythm of the waves that gently guided the ark towards land after the storms subsided.  For us today, it is in the quietness of these rhythms that we can hear not only our own voice but God’s as well.

What has He been speaking?  What dreams are ready to be fulfilled?  What has been brewing in your heart that is about to take shape?   In our rest, we listen and are aligned to God’s priorities and His promises.

For us, the challenge isn’t being still when it is quiet all around, but remaining in that stillness when the hatch gradually opens to the clamoring noise and distractions waiting for us at the door.

Psalm 46:10a says “Be still, and know that I am God.”   We can practice being still and keep our focus on Him as a tight rope walker whose eyes are fixed ahead as they take each step.

Distractions won’t go away by themselves.  We have to intentionally turn them off and tune them out.  Then we will hear in the silence what God has been trying to speak all along.

Imagine what would have happened if Noah didn’t listen, and obey…

Janna Kent