Not Growing Weary

During this season of being shut-in during the COVID-19 pandemic,  I can’t help but think about the movie “Cast Away” starring Tom Hanks and Wilson the Soccer Ball.  Recently, life as we knew it came to an abrupt stop and abandoned us on a deserted island.  The only way to track time is to mark each passing day on the wall of our caves.  As we wait for our communities to reopen and “rescue us”, it is challenging to not be weary.

However, it is important to stay strong now more than ever because how we finish one season determines how we enter the next one.

Let’s compare the current season we are in to a race.  Do we want to crawl across the finish line scattered and frazzled with our hair in shambles like the mad scientist (well, the untamed hair may be a given for all of us!) or do we want to sprint across the finish line strong and refreshed?

We can finish strong when we wait on the Lord, like Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

As polar-opposite as it may sound, to be propelled forward, we have to pull back.   A toy Rubber Band Powered Car is a perfect illustration of this.  It uses the energy from the stretched back rubber band to propel the car forward when the rubber band is released.  The farther back you stretch the rubber band, the farther and faster the car will go.

In the days and weeks ahead, allow yourself to be stretched back and wait on the Lord.  As you pull back and find that place of rest, He will impart strength to you.   Then when the time comes, you will be released and propelled forward with power and strength like never before!

Janna Kent