Defying Gravity

Have you ever skipped a stone across the surface of a lake and watched in amazement as it defied the law of gravity as it skimmed across the water? 

In the same sense, can you imagine the disciples in Matthew 14:29-31 watching in amazement as Peter and Jesus walked on water, also defying the law of gravity?  Verse 29 says that Peter got out of the boat and “walked on the water towards Jesus.”  He, with Jesus, superseded the natural law of gravity, “departing from what is usual or normal, and transcended a law of nature.” When they walked on the water, they walked in the supernatural.    

Do we as Christians back away from the supernatural because we are afraid of it, or don’t understand it?  As Peter was standing in the boat watching Jesus walk towards him on the water, he had a choice. He was either going to stay in the boat where it was dry and comfortable, or step out into the supernatural, in faith, and get out and join Him.   He chose to step out, trusting Jesus, but then switched back to fear and doubt in mid-flight and began to sink.  As Jesus caught him He said, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  In a sense, he was saying the supernatural (faith) held him up, and then gravity (doubt) brought him down.

Have you ever stepped out of the boat to walk in something God put in your heart to do? 

Perhaps it was as simple as praying for a sick person.  Did they receive their healing and feel better?  If so, this is the supernatural in operation. 

Is He speaking to your heart to step out?  Do you hear His voice?  It isn’t always in the loud boisterous wind, the earthquakes or fire, but it may be in a still, small, delicate voice.  (1 Kings 19:11-13).  However loud the voice may be, look for opportunities to step out and defy the law of gravity. You might just skip across the water in amazement!

Janna Kent