
As the new year brings in a sense of renewal, many New Year’s resolutions are made. There is a sense of hope as a new year presents opportunities for a fresh start. This could be a resolution to lose weight, become more self-discipline, reduce time on social media, read more, or spend quality time with family. 

A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something, but how we go about it determines if we will succeed or fail. I think of the childhood story about the rabbit and the turtle who raced against each other. Everyone thought for sure the rabbit would win because he was much faster than the slow-moving turtle. What wasn't taken into account was the rabbit's pride that influenced his decision to stop and take a nap, thinking surely he could sprint past the turtle if he ever passed him. But while the rabbit napped, the turtle remained steadfast in his slow and steady pace towards the finish line and passed the rabbit as he slept and the turtle won the race.

As we set goals and make resolutions, let's not be like the rabbit and sprint at the starting line, only to get exhausted a month into it and stop, but rather let's be steadfast and intentional. 1 Cor.15:58 says "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."   To be steadfast is to be firmly fixed in place, immovable, determined, and unwavering.  Another definition is "staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly."

As we seek God in this new year and dedicate ourselves to Him for whatever His plans and purposes are for us, go into it with the right motive, knowing that there is nothing you can do to be more pleasing to Him or earn His love. You are accepted in the beloved, as Ephesians 1:6 says and He delights in you. As you walk out your resolutions, remember Psalms 136:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever." 

Ohio KidMin