He is Risen... and So are We!

Easter is one of the most joyous times for Christians as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.  The message of Easter can be resurrected from the pages of our bible and woven into our everyday lives… the message of atonement, redemption, forgiveness and reconciliation.

The bible says in  Ephesians 2:6 (NIV) “and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.”   When Jesus was raised up, so were we. There was an exchange at the cross.  He took our sins and gave us His life.  This is the miracle of Easter that we are to celebrate!

When we receive Him, we are no longer under the rule and dominion of the kingdom of darkness.  Colossians 1:13 says “For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son.”  Our citizenship and address changed from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God.  I can’t help but think of Mr. Spock on Star Trek when he would go into a transporter machine and be transferred to a new location.  Christ is our transporter machine! Not only did He transfer us to another Kingdom, He put us in the prime seats with the best view.

You can now enjoy the rights and privileges as a child of God. When you receive Him as your Lord, all of the “In Him and In Christ” scriptures are promises to you!   We don’t need to be under the oppression of depression and despair. Sin was a barrier that kept us from fellowship with God, but now, as we learned a few weeks ago, we have full access to Him.  We can have faith that our prayers are heard by God.

This Easter, when you are celebrating Christ’s glorious resurrection, be sure to also celebrate that He raised you up, too!  I encourage you to rise up and walk in it, and “take your seat.”

Janna Kent