Who Are You Led By?

Wouldn’t it be odd if you arrived home from work and you just stood in the foyer of your house all night instead of going inside?  In the same sense in our relationship with God, wouldn’t we be missing out on somethings if we didn’t enter into all that our position in Christ offers?  We don’t just stay “at the door” when we receive Christ, but we are to enter in and walk in what He provides for us.  Gal. 5:25 says ” If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” 

The Galatians were new converts and embraced the new life found in Christ but they only had one foot in the door because they allowed false teachers to lead them into legalism and the belief that they can only be saved by following the law of Moses in addition to their faith in Christ. Gal. 4:9 says “But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?” 

God doesn’t ask us to do something we aren’t equipped to do, but rather supplies all we need to walk in the Spirit.  The Galatians didn’t tap into this in their walk but rather were led astray by the controversy of their day. Paul was saying stop! You are in the Kingdom now and walk according to the Kingdom’s ways, by my Spirit. 

How about us today?  We’ve embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ but what is the guiding force directing our steps in our everyday lives?  The Galatian’s guiding force was false, legalistic teachings instead of the Spirit of God. Are our feelings, emotions, circumstances, other people’s opinions guiding us, or are we led by the Spirit of God?  

Let’s not be like the Galatians who couldn’t go “all in” because they were led by something other than the Spirit of God, rather let’s follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and enter in.  He knows the way.

Janna Kent