
As I reflect on love during the fourth week of Advent, I think of John 3:16-17:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Before Christ redeemed us, mankind wasn't a pretty sight to behold, but God loved us anyway. He created us one way, but because of man's free will to choose, sin entered and changed our spiritual condition into something not in His original design. Because of this, Jesus was sent to buy us back with His shed blood. Col. 1:21-22a unfolds the gospel story of love beautifully, the story that Jesus came to write with His life:  "Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now He has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation."

His love saw. His love sent. His love delivered. His love reconciled, restored, and redeemed. 

Once we embrace this love, it will move from being just mere knowledge to a reality in our hearts that will forever change us.  When this happens, we will experience such a love that will pour out of our hearts in gratitude as we offer our love back to Him.  I think of the women in Luke 7:38 who sat at Jesus's feet and wiped His feet with her tears as she wept in gratitude for Jesus's love and forgiveness.

How about us?  How will we respond to His love and forgiveness?  Will we sit at Jesus' feet weeping in gratitude? As the truth found in Col. 1:13-14 sinks deep into our hearts, we too can find this place of gratitude:

·         "He has delivered us (rescued from danger or destruction)

·         from the power (dominion, and force) of darkness

·         and conveyed us (transferred or carried away)

·         into the kingdom (royalty, rule, or reign)

·         of the Son of His love, (affection, benevolence) 

·         in whom we have redemption (ransom in full) through His blood,

·         the forgiveness (a release, pardon) of sins,"

Ohio KidMin