Camp Staff Roles
We accept applications from eligible adults who are pastors, kids and youth leaders, parents, college students, and those who were personally impacted at camp and want to give back.
All Camp Staff (Program Staff, Support Staff, Leaders-In-Training, and Timothy Team) will be expected to attend our MANDATORY SUNDAY MEETING (prior to the start of the camp they have signed up for) in order to be able to be a part of the Kids Camp team.
Support Staff (Room Leaders): Serve as room leaders and lead our campers through the activities throughout the week. All volunteer camp staff are placed as Room Leaders. Room assignments are typically made based on church groups with a leader from the same church as the campers, but this is not always the case and cannot be guaranteed.
All staff must be willing to lead any campers, whether the camper is from your home church or not.
All Support Staff are expected to participate in all camp activities with enthusiasm and lead every camper to a positive camp experience without favoritism.
Program Staff Positions (by invitation only): Individuals asked to serve at camp in various leadership roles including directors, AV team, health officers, and security.
Leaders-In-Training (L.I.Ts): Those interested in joining the team but are under the age of 18.
Timothy Team (applications accepted as needed): Younger leaders whose parents are serving at camp.
Eligibility & Requirements
Background checks and two references are required for all Program & Support.
Registration for Camp Staff is $65 per person per week by May 1st. After May 1st, it is $75 per person.
If there is a necessary switch of the same gender from the same church, a consideration will be made.
Fee covers a small portion of the cost of housing, T-shirts, meals for the week, and mandatory background check.
You can pay online with a credit card when you complete your application or mail a check to the address below with the CAMP & YOUR NAME in the memo:
Ohio Ministry Network
Attn: Kids Camp
8405 Pulsar Place
Columbus, OH 43240
All acceptance of camp staff will take place via email on a first-come, first-served basis.
The process for acceptance:
Application completed.
References received. This is an automatic email to whoever you put in. Please advise these references that you have submitted and to check their email.
Background check authorized on Ultracamp & background check cleared.
Payment made. (If your church is paying all at once, please advise us of that plan).
A few important things to note:
Priority for acceptance is given to leaders serving their church group as Room Leaders.
Only completed and paid applications will be considered for acceptance.
Walk-on staff will not be accepted.
Applications received prior to May 1st will be accepted assuming that the background check and references do not give cause for concern.
If you apply and the camp is already filled, you will be contacted and placed on a waiting list. If there is a cancellation, the spot will be filled from the waiting list in the order in which they were received.
Each year we take time before our services to focus on Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. More information regarding this special project will be available in March of 2025.